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Check out These Tips for Finding the Perfect Pet Sitter

Image for Check out These Tips for Finding the Perfect Pet Sitter
While you may enjoy taking your pet with you when you travel, there are times when it is not possible and you will need a pet sitter. These tips will help you locate someone who will keep your animal companion happy, healthy, and safe while you are away.
Know what you need.
Make a list of things you’d like your pet sitter to do. Do you just need someone to come in a couple times a day to check on your pet or would you like your dog walked daily? Does your pet need medication? Do you also want your pet sitter to provide housesitting services like watering your plants, taking in your mail, or turning lights on and off? Once you know what you need, you will be better able to find a good fit.
Ask around for recommendations.
Your vet may have a list of pet sitters that they know and trust, and some vet techs provide pet sitting services. You can contact friends and family to get recommendations for a pet sitter. The National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) certifies pet sitters. You can search for a qualified pet sitter at their website, 

Spend time with your pet sitter before you leave town.
Give your pet and your pet sitter time to get to know each other. You should have your pet sitter come to your home to get familiar with the environment. You can explain feeding routines, point out where your pet’s bed and toys are, and can show your sitter how to administer any medication your pet may need. You’ll also be able to see if your pet and your sitter are compatible. 

Leave important information with your sitter. 
Make a list of all of your pet’s routines and needs. Also, write down contact information for you and your veterinarian. If you have family in town, leave their contact information. You may want to give your neighbors the contact information for your pet sitter, so that he or she can be contacted in the event of an emergency at your home. 

Encourage a lasting relationship.
Once you’ve found the perfect pet sitter, be sure to foster that relationship into the future. A good pet sitter is worth keeping! Discuss what fair payment means to both of you. If your pet sitter goes above and beyond, be sure to acknowledge that with a bonus or a small gift. If your sitter is looking for more work, be sure to recommend him or her to friends and family.

Whether its money, pet care, or traveling tips, we have all the information you need right here at The Demo Apartments in New Orleans, Louisiana. We invite you to enhance your lifestyle with these helpful tips!

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